Our Team

Say hello to the leadership team at The Way Bible Church.

Dr. Joel Tiemeyer - Lead Pastor

Pastor Joel Tiemeyer has been the lead and founding pastor of The Way Bible Church since its establishment in 1999. He has been happily married to his wife, Sheri, since 2002 and they have two amazing boys, Caleb and Aaron. Some of his favorite things to do are travel the globe, CrossFit, and anything that involves adrenaline and adventure.

Derrick Dillion - Executive Pastor

Damon Wilks - Executive Pastor

Jeff Tiemeyer - Executive Pastor

Abby Tipps - Director of Worship Experience

Bonnie Tiemeyer - Freedom Pastor

G. Laine Robinson - Community Life Pastor

Amy Tiemeyer - Community Life

Lauren Price - Young Adults Director

Hunter Elliott - Student Pastor

Rachael Johnson - TWBC Kids Director

Melina Wilks - TWBC Kids

Kaitlyn Hankins - Communications Director

Sheri Tiemeyer - Administration

LeAnn Robinson - Secretary