JOIN US FOR EASTER! 🙌 Saturday, April 19 - 5 PM // Sunday, April 20 - 8:30, 10, 11:30 AM.

TWBC Kids + RAGE Student Ministries

We believe in the Next Generation! At The Way, we have amazing opportunities for birth-12th grade.

About NextGen at The Way

We never underestimate our NextGen students and what they can bring to their families, schools, ball teams, or anywhere else they set their feet. We do not believe in a 'junior' Holy Spirit, and we know that this is a generation that can move in the gifts of God and pursue the Great Commission.

We have areas for all students from birth to seniors in High School. On Wednesday nights we have transformed our entire campus into a NextGen Facility with worship services, and a fun atmosphere for all ages.

Wednesday Night

  • Services are from 6:15pm to 7:30pm here at TWBC and all ages are welcome.

Sunday Mornings

  • Parents must check in their child prior to service. You must keep your corresponding "check-in" tag to be able to check out your child. 
  • Early Childhood (birth – Preschool) students are taken directly into their classes after being checked in. 
  • K-5th grade kids begin worship in the north auditorium alongside their families. After worship, those kids will be dismissed to the back of the auditorium to go have their small group time, and lesson in the south building. 
  • After service, parents will need to go to their child’s classrooms for birth – preschool to check them out. Parents with children in K-5th grade will need to go to the south building to check out their child.
  • RAGE Student Ministries (6th - 12th grade) will worship in the north building auditorium on Sunday mornings.

Thank you so much for entrusting us with your young people. We are excited to see what God has in store for this generation.

TWBC Kids (Birth to 5th Grade)

  • We split up ages with birth - 18 months in our Nursery, 18 months - 3 years (not potty trained) in Toddlers, and 3 - 5 years (must be potty trained) in our Preschool Class. All groups receive lessons, worship, and prayer and have a blast together.
  • Our Kindergarten - Fifth Graders are in our Elementary Classes and enjoy a time in worship, small groups, and fellowship. 

  • Rachael Johnson is our Children’s Ministry Director and oversees birth – fifth grade. 
  • Melina Wilks is our Assistant Children’s Ministry Director and assists in overseeing birth – fifth grade.f

RAGE Student Ministries (6th - 12th Grade)

  • Our Student Ministry is for students from 6th - 12th Grade. Teenagers are developing quicker than ever, both physically and mentally. It is important to help them as they enter into this season of their life. We want to team up with parents and see them flourish in their faith walk while also helping them traverse the world of social media and issues never seen before by parents. We also encourage students of all ages to become involved by serving in the many areas of our church. Many already help by operating cameras and working in NextGen, Connect Team, and Production.
  • Pastor Hunter Elliott is our Student Ministries Pastor.
  • Lauren Price is our Student Ministries Coordinator.